• 2013 stripedbass brett
  • 2012 stripedbass Wanding1
  • striper4 61x9
  • striper5 61x9
  • striper3 61x9
  • 2013 stripedbass mchaney
  • 2013 stripedbass rowe
  • 2013 stripedbass jerimia
  • maine2 16x9
  • Striper on the fly
  • Light tackle fishing on the Kennebec
  • Striped Bass Double
  • That's a Biggun!.
  • Fish the beaches for big bass!
  • Fly fishing the flats for stripers
  • Jig fishing the Kennebec rips for stripers
  • Nice 40" early morning Kennebec striper
  • Fort Popham at sunrise

Florida Fishing

Boca Grande, Charlotte Harbor

Florida Fishing Charters


Fish Florida

Maine Fishing

Kennebec River, Casco Bay

Maine Fishing Charters


Fish Maine

Soon, Very Soon - Update; Jan 18, 2020

Happy January!I've been getting emails and texts asking if I am in Florida… No, not quite yet, I'm finishing up a few carpentry projects.  As I'm typing this the temperature is 1* but our wood stove is keeping the house, us and our westie Scotty toasty warm. Our second snow fall of the week is arriving tonight, another 5-9 inches. I love winte...

July Shallow Water Kennebec Striped Bass on Fly

Some great shots of Paul Skydell and Mike Wolfson fly fishing the shallows of the Kennebec for striped bass. The video ends with Paul getting a very nice one on a 7wt. using 10# tippet.

Capt. Dave Pecci - Obsession Sportfishing

Kennebec River Estuary / Eastern Casco Bay Fishing Report 07/29/2019

Fishing Conditions: The striped bass have somewhat settled into their mid-summer habits. Water flow and clarity in the Kennebec River are both good. Water temps are 62*in the lower river and 78* near Merrymeeting Bay. This week will have morning rising tides.

Type of bait fish are feeding on...cont.

Now is the time to start paying attention to your fish finder.

Capt. Da e Pecci 07-29-19

Fly Fishing for Striped Bass along Maine’s Coast

Doug Bear from Orvis catching striped bass on ledges at the mouth of the Kennebec River. Mid July is when the ledges and beaches fish very consistently. 

Capt. Dave Pecci - Obsession Sportfishing

Mid-July Striped Bass Fly Fishing on Kennebec River

Bill Farland joined me his past week for a few hours of striped bass fly fishing. We ended up catching 14 schoolies between 16" and 24". I love my summer office. Not sure if there's a prettier place this side of heaven. Its so easy to get focused on the fish and what it takes to catch them that I find myself missing the beauty all around me. This video captures some of that beauty. I hope you enjoy watching it.

Capt. Dave Pecci - Obsession Sportfishing

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