Riding the swells in 6 feet of water while fly casting into the breakers... It doesn't get much better than that. July striper action on the Kennebec with Obsession Sportfishing Charters and Capt. Dave Pecci.
Ocean sunfish (mola - mola) 15 miles offshore in the Gulf of Maine. We cam across this odd looking thing in August on our way home from a tuna / shark charter. It was 7-8 feel long. Great end to a fun day on Obsession Sportfishing Charters.
Charlotte Harbor spotted sea trout on the BBQ tonight. Capt. Dave Pecci, Obsession Sportfishng Charters.
Brad Osborn from Falmouth Maine jumps a very nice tarpon on a live crab.
Larry Stelzer from Maine puts a hurting on an 80 pound tarpon. 80 pound tarpon puts a hurting right back on Larry. What doesn't show in the video is the 16' hammerhead shark that tried to eat Larry's tarpon. All is good though, the tarpon got away thanks to Larry's quick boating abilities.