3 minute video of the Schaaab party striped bass light tackle fishing on August 16th. We caught these fish spin fishing withj bucktail jigs.
Maine Fishing Videos
Here's some of the fly fishing and light tackle action on August 31,2014. We caught them on jigs, flies and live eels on thia this trip. The fish were staged up in many places along the lower Kennebec River.
Live eels are the breakfast of choice for the stripers now we are into mid summer. The fishing continues to be the best in years here on the Kennebec.
I love foggy mornings on the Kennebec River, though I could do without the rain... Eric and Janet Teske and Eric’s Brother Chris Braved the wet conditions and wind to catch a bunch of striped bass while on vacation here in Maine.
Capt. Forrest Faulkingham, Capt. Hank DeRuiter and I were blessed by spending the morning with eight American Armed Forces Veterans today. Though the weather was less than perfect the fishing was good and everyone had a great time. For three years Capt Faulkingham and House in the Woods from Lee, Maine have coordinated this outing. These eight men were so grateful for the time donated to take them fishing but it does not compare to the gratitude I have for them and their sacrifices.
Thank you to Poulin Bros Lobster, Bath Hampton Inn and The Monsweag Roadhouse who donated rooms and food to round out this two day outing.
House in the Woods is an outdoor retreat program that “honors our veterans and their families' sacrifices and assists them in their journey towards healing the mental and physical pain of loss.”
FMI: www.houseinthewoods.org
Capt. Duane Harris from St. Simons Island, GA joined me for a morning of striped bass fly fishing on the Kennebec River this week. The stripers have settled into their summer habits in that; top water feeds have become less comon and the fish are staging on structure and in the rips. Both poppers and baitfish patterns are producing stripers up to 26". Safe travels home Duane, great getting to know you and I hope to see you again the next time you are in Maine.
Doug Bear from Orvis doing it in fine style on the Kennebec River with the Helios2. Always a pleasure Doug, enjoy the rest of your time in Maine and wishing you safe travels home to PA. See you next year!
Larry and Justin from the Camden area enjoyed a foggy and overcast morning fly fishing on the Kennebec as Hurricane Arthur creeps up the coast. Justin who is new to fly fishing landed several schoolies with an Orvis H2 rod and a 450 Depthcharge line. Larry caught a few as well. The fishing was a bit slow today due to the approaching storm. The stripers all moved off the flats into the rips and along banks in 10’-15’ of water. When the weather changes the fish’s habits, we change our tactics. Thanks for a great morning on the river guys!
longtime client and friend John Kern invited his two nieces along on a Kennebec River charter July 1st. The fun and fishing was nonstop. Caroline Kern and Emily Roig had never fished with light tackle for striped bass before. As you can see they both took it quite well! Uncle John is excellent at fly fishing. He caught a bunch of stripers on a floating line and a popper and on sinking line with an olive and white deceiver. We lost track of how many fish we caught but none of us will forget the bigun that Caroline landed! This is a fairly long video (6 minutes) but hang in there to the end… The expressions on the faces are priceless! Safe travel home John, Caroline and Emily. I look forward to seeing you again in 2015.
A fun July 1st fishing for striped bass on the Kennebec River with Doug Bear from Orvis and his Dad. They both caught a bunch of stripers on fly rod and spinning gear. This is a short video showing two of Doug’s fly rod fish. Dad out fished Doug 3 to 1 with his spinning rod and was texting the family back on shore to rub it in... The best early season fishing we have seen in years continues! Get out on the River and get in on the action!
Justin Pecar (eleven) from Colorado lands this 100 pound plus blue shark with a little help from his dad and Capt. Dave.
Really cool underwater shot of a 26" striped bass caught off the beach at the mouth of the Kennebec River.
The Ishee family had a great day shark fishing on the Obsession. This one was caught on a whole mackerel using 30# stand up gear.
Justin Pecar (eleven) from Colorado lands this 100 pound plus blue shark with a little help from his dad and Capt. Dave
June and July striped bass fishing on the Kennebec River With Obsession Sportfishing Charters.
Landing doubles using spinning rods in July on the Kennebec River. Just two of many fish caught on their trip with Capt. Dave Pecci - Obsession Sportfishing Charters.
The Oniells enjoy a June striped bass blitz on the Kennebec River with Obsession Sportfishing Charters.
Check out the youngster's facial expressions when the striper comes along side...
Riding the swells in 6 feet of water while fly casting into the breakers... It doesn't get much better than that. July striper action on the Kennebec with Obsession Sportfishing Charters and Capt. Dave Pecci.